Thursday, December 3, 2015

Perfect Parents

Parenting. What is the purpose of parenting? It is to protect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world they will be living in.

This week in class we have been talking about parenting. One of the last things that my teacher said today stood out to me. He said "Most people see God in the same way they see their parents, and even themselves." Profound.

If kids don't have a good relationship with their parents they will think less of themselves and not feel as worthwhile. When a parent withdraws love from their child, they most likely are going to think that they are a bad child, rather than that the parent is doing something wrong.

Children have needs just as the rest of us do. Children need contact and belonging, power, protection,withdrawal and challenges. If those needs aren't being met they will try to get them met in different ways and through different things such as rebellion, revenge and those types of things.

 My teacher told a story of an eleven year old boy that was squirmy and all over the place. The type of kid that even while sitting he is still bouncing. He had a little sibling that has some rather severe disability and so the mom and dad in this family spent little time tending to the other children. My teacher said he decided to do something about it and every time he saw this young man he would make a conscious effort to give him attention and physical contact through handshakes and listening. He did so for several weeks and the results were incredible. That eleven year old boy that was all over the place now was calmer at home and other places and it was because his needs were being met of contact and belonging.  

We should use Heavenly Father as an example in the way we raise our children. He never withdraws His love from us. He is a wonderful listener. He has our safety and happiness as His greatest motivator. And even though He says no to us...doesn't mean that He doesn't care or want us to be happy. He has a bigger perspective and what we ultimately need in our lives and to become the people we are meant to be.

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